Number of Awards

The number of awards shall be between 0 and 40 every year.


Nomination for the award may be made by stakeholders, serving and retired members, Chairman- Aqua Foundation, and by other reputed individuals working in the field of tunneling. Self-nomination can also be made. Wide publicity shall be given by Aqua Foundation among eligible nominators so as to get good number of nominations. Nominations received after the due date shall be considered for the next year’s award. The details forwarded with nomination must contain the following information:

  • Name, address, e-mail ID, telephones, fax etc.
  • Qualification and Professional experience (in case of individual)
  • Contribution that merit this award [Detailed account]
  • Brief details of projects / services carried by nominee
  • Any other relevant information

Nominations shall be sent to

Praggya Sharmaa (Ms.)
Secretary General
E-166, 2nd Floor, Kalkaji
New Delhi – 110019
Telefax: +91-11-41318030
Cell: +91-9818568825,

The Secretary General will organize the material received and place them before the Screening Committee for preliminary evaluation.

Evaluation Process

Preliminary screening of proposals is made by the Screening Committee consisting of the following members:

  • Chairman, screening committee
  • Two Members or nominees of Governing Council of Aqua Foundation

The Committee places its recommendation before the Chairman of Governing Council for approval. On approval of the Chairman, the nominees are informed by the Secretary General and a formal invitation to the Award Function is sent by the Secretary General.

The Award

The award shall be in the form of a plaque with an image of the Aqua Foundation logo and a certificate. The award shall be given at the award ceremony of the annual water conference of the respective year. If, for some reason, the awardee is unable to be present at the Show, they can receive it from the Secretary at any later date.


The Screening Committee will consider all proposals forwarded by the Secretary. It may, at its discretion, add additional names from or outside the original list. The Secretary General, assisted by 2 Members of Governing Council may accelerate the process to present an award in the workshop or World Aqua Congress.

Processing Fee

INR 12,500 / USD 500 per category for Individual Award Categories

INR 25,000/ USD 1000 per category for Organization Awards Category & Project Award Category

  • GST@18% shall be levied as applicable.
  • Fees in Indian Rupees (INR) valid for Indian Resident only.
  • Each organization is required to fill in a self-nomination form.
  • Payments will be accepted online through credit/debit card or through cheques/drafts, favoring "AQUA FOUNDATION" with the company's and individual's name written at the back of the cheques/ drafts, payable at New Delhi and should be sent to;


The Secretary General
Aqua Foundation
E- 166, 2nd Floor, Kalkaji
New Delhi – 110019
M: 91-9818568825 

*Last Date of Submission: 30th September 2024

For Registration and more information call:

Praggya Sharmaa (Ms.)
Phone: +91-9818568825

Visit: https: AF's Excellence Awards Acknowledging Champions of Water & Environment

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