
Guided Boring, also known as Pilot Tube Micro-tunneling, is a trenchless method used in tunneling and underground structures for accurately installing pipes, conduits, and utilities with minimal surface disruption. It involves the use of a pilot tube to guide the drilling process, ensuring precise alignment and control during the installation of underground infrastructure.


  • Pipe and utility installation: Guided Boring is commonly used to install pipes, conduits, and utilities such as water, sewer, gas, and telecommunications lines. It allows for the efficient and accurate installation of these underground infrastructure components.
  • Urban areas and sensitive environments: This method is particularly suitable for urban areas, congested spaces, and environmentally sensitive locations where traditional open-cut excavation may not be feasible or desirable. It minimizes disruption to traffic, buildings, and natural surroundings.
  • Precision and accuracy: Guided Boring offers high levels of precision and accuracy in tunneling. The use of a pilot tube ensures the desired alignment and grade of the installed pipeline, reducing the risk of misalignment or deviation.
  • Cost and time savings: The trenchless nature of Guided Boring eliminates the need for extensive excavation and restoration, resulting in cost and time savings compared to traditional open-cut methods. It reduces the impact on surface infrastructure and minimizes disruptions to surrounding activities.
  • Reduced environmental impact: By minimizing the excavation footprint and surface disturbances, Guided Boring helps mitigate environmental impact. It reduces noise, dust, and vibration during the installation process, making it a more environmentally friendly option.


  • Pipe diameter and length: Guided Boring can accommodate a range of pipe diameters, typically from a few inches to several feet. The length of the installation can vary based on the project requirements.
  • Soil conditions: The method is suitable for various soil types, including cohesive soils, non-cohesive soils, and mixed soils. The specific soil conditions at the project site determine the feasibility and requirements for the Guided Boring operation.
  • Pilot tube system: Guided Boring relies on a pilot tube system, which includes a guided boring machine (GBM), a steering head, and a pilot tube. The GBM drives the pilot tube into the ground, creating a precise path for the subsequent pipe installation.
  • Jacking force and thrust: Guided Boring involves the use of jacking force or thrust to advance the pipe behind the pilot tube. The required jacking force depends on the pipe diameter, soil conditions, and project specifications.
  • Monitoring and control systems: Guided Boring operations may incorporate monitoring and control systems to ensure accurate alignment and control during the installation process. These systems provide real-time data on the drilling parameters, allowing adjustments to be made as needed.


  • Pilot Tube Micro-tunneling: This is the most common type of Guided Boring, where a pilot tube is installed in the ground to guide the subsequent pipe installation. It offers precise control over alignment and grade, ensuring accurate pipe placement.
  • Auger Boring: Auger Boring is a variation of Guided Boring that uses an auger to remove soil while simultaneously installing the pipe. It is suitable for softer soils and shorter installations.
  • Pipe Ramming: Pipe Ramming involves using a pneumatic hammer to drive the pipe through the soil while removing the soil simultaneously. It is typically used for shorter installations and in more challenging soil conditions.

Guided Boring or Pilot Tube Micro-tunneling provides a trenchless method for the precise installation of pipes and utilities in tunneling and underground structures. With its accuracy, minimal surface disruption, and cost savings, it is a preferred option in urban areas, sensitive environments, and projects where precision is crucial.

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