
Grout refers to a fluid or semi-fluid material that is injected, pumped, or placed into voids, fractures, or spaces in tunneling and underground structures. It typically consists of a mixture of cement, water, and additives. Grout is used to improve ground stability, provide support, control water inflow, and seal gaps or openings in underground construction projects.


  • Ground stabilization: Grout is commonly used to stabilize weak or loose soils by injecting it into the ground. It fills voids and strengthens the soil, improving its load-bearing capacity and preventing settlement or ground movement.
  • Waterproofing: Grout is used for sealing cracks, joints, or openings in tunneling and underground structures, preventing water ingress. It creates a watertight barrier, protecting the structure from water damage and maintaining a dry environment.
  • Structural support: Grout provides structural support in tunneling and underground constructions. It can be injected to fill cavities, gaps, or voids around rock masses or concrete structures, enhancing their stability and integrity.
  • Void filling: Grout is used to fill voids or abandoned underground spaces to prevent subsidence, collapse, or potential damage to nearby structures. It provides a stable and solid fill material.
  • Leak control: In tunneling and underground structures, grout is used to control water inflow from surrounding rock formations. It is injected into fractures, fissures, or porous rock layers to reduce water flow and control hydrostatic pressures.
  • Soil improvement: Grout can be utilized to improve the properties of soils. It can be injected into loose or weak soils to bind the particles together, increase strength, and improve compaction characteristics.


  • Grout composition: The composition of grout may vary depending on the project requirements. It typically includes a mix of cement, water, and additives such as admixtures or chemical agents to achieve desired properties such as workability, strength, setting time, or flowability.
  • Consistency: Grout consistency refers to its fluidity or viscosity, which can be adjusted based on the specific application. It can range from flowable and self-leveling to stiff or thixotropic, depending on the desired placement method and conditions.
  • Strength: The strength of grout is an important specification. It is typically determined by the mix design and curing conditions. The strength requirements vary depending on the intended use, such as ground stabilization, structural support, or void filling.
  • Setting time: Grout has a specific setting time, which is the time it takes for the material to harden after mixing. The setting time can be adjusted to allow sufficient time for placement and workability.
  • Compatibility: Grout should be compatible with the surrounding materials, including the rock or soil formation and existing structures. Compatibility ensures effective bonding and integration with the surrounding environment.


  • Cementitious grout: This is the most common type of grout used in tunneling and underground structures. It consists of a mixture of cement, water, and additives. Cementitious grouts offer good strength, durability, and compatibility with various substrates.
  • Chemical grout: Chemical grouts are typically based on polyurethane or acrylate resins. They have a lower viscosity, allowing them to penetrate fine cracks and fissures. Chemical grouts are often used for sealing and waterproofing applications.
  • Bentonite grout: Bentonite grout is a mixture of bentonite clay and water. It is commonly used for its excellent sealing and waterproofing properties. Bentonite grout swells when in contact with water, creating an impermeable barrier.
  • Microfine cement grout: Microfine cement grout consists of finely ground cement particles, which provide improved penetration and filling of fine fractures or voids. It is suitable for applications requiring precise injection into narrow spaces.

Grout plays a critical role in tunneling and underground construction projects by providing ground stabilization, waterproofing, structural support, and sealing capabilities. Its specifications and types can be tailored to meet specific project requirements, ensuring effective and durable grouting solutions.

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