
Concrete and grout pumps are specialized construction equipment designed for pumping and delivering concrete or grout mixture to specific locations within tunneling and underground structures. These pumps are essential for the efficient and precise placement of concrete and grout, ensuring the stability and structural integrity of the underground construction.


  • Concrete Placement: Concrete pumps are used to transport and place concrete in tunnel linings, underground foundations, shafts, and other structural elements. They enable the precise and controlled delivery of concrete to inaccessible or hard-to-reach areas, ensuring proper consolidation and eliminating the need for manual placement methods.
  • Grout Injection: Grout pumps are utilized to inject grout into cracks, voids, or soil formations to enhance ground stabilization, provide water control, or support existing structures. They allow for accurate and controlled grout injection, ensuring efficient filling and consolidation.
  • Increased Efficiency: Concrete and grout pumps significantly improve construction efficiency by reducing manual labor and speeding up the placement process. They eliminate the need for cumbersome manual handling of concrete and grout, resulting in faster project completion and reduced labor costs.
  • Enhanced Quality and Durability: The use of concrete and grout pumps ensures consistent and uniform distribution of concrete or grout mixture, leading to improved quality, strength, and durability of underground structures. It minimizes the risk of voids or weak spots that can compromise the integrity of the construction.
  • Versatility: Concrete and grout pumps can handle a wide range of mixtures, including different concrete grades and grout formulations, adapting to the specific requirements of tunneling and underground projects.
  • Safety: These pumps offer a safer alternative to manual concrete placement, reducing the risk of worker injuries associated with heavy lifting and awkward positioning. They also minimize worker exposure to hazardous environments within the tunnel or underground structure.


  • Pumping Capacity: The pumping capacity of concrete and grout pumps is measured in terms of volume flow rate, typically in cubic meters per hour (m³/h) or gallons per minute (GPM). It indicates the rate at which the mixture can be pumped and delivered.
  • Pressure Rating: The pressure rating specifies the maximum pressure that the pump can generate to transport the concrete or grout mixture. It is typically measured in bars or pounds per square inch (PSI).
  • Delivery Distance and Height: The specifications of the pump should consider the required delivery distance and vertical height to ensure that the pumped mixture can reach the desired location within the tunnel or underground structure.
  • Pumping Method: Concrete and grout pumps can employ different pumping methods, including piston pumps, squeeze pumps, or rotor/stator pumps. The choice of pumping method depends on the characteristics of the mixture, project requirements, and site conditions.
  • Power Source: These pumps can be powered by electric motors, diesel engines, or hydraulic systems, depending on the availability of power sources and the specific project requirements.
  • Controls: Concrete and grout pumps may feature manual controls, remote controls, or automated systems for operation and monitoring. Advanced systems can offer precise control over the pumping process, allowing for accurate mixture placement.


  • Trailer-Mounted Pumps: These pumps are mounted on trailers and can be easily transported to different job sites. They are versatile and commonly used for smaller to medium-sized tunneling and underground projects.
  • Truck-Mounted Pumps: Truck-mounted pumps are integrated onto truck chassis, offering mobility and higher pumping capacities. They are suitable for larger-scale projects and can quickly move between different locations within the project site.
  • Stationary Pumps: Stationary pumps are permanently installed at the construction site. They are ideal for long-term or continuous pumping operations in tunneling and underground construction.
  • Line Pumps: Line pumps are used for pumping concrete or grout through long pipelines. They are suitable for projects that require precise placement over extended distances or with complex routing.
  • Boom Pumps: Boom pumps incorporate a hydraulic arm or boom that allows for precise placement of concrete or grout at various heights and angles. They are commonly used in large-scale tunneling projects where flexibility and reach are crucial.

The selection of the appropriate concrete or grout pump should consider factors such as project scale, pumping requirements, mixture characteristics, site conditions, and logistical considerations to ensure efficient and reliable pumping operations.

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