
Hyperbaric chambers and training in the context of tunneling and underground structures refer to specialized facilities and programs designed to simulate high-pressure environments and provide training for workers who may be exposed to such conditions during tunneling operations. These chambers replicate the elevated atmospheric pressure experienced in underground environments to prepare workers for potential risks and ensure their safety during construction, maintenance, and emergency situations.


  • Worker safety: Hyperbaric chambers and training are primarily used to ensure the safety of workers who will be operating in pressurized underground environments. By exposing workers to simulated high-pressure conditions, they can become familiar with the potential physiological effects and learn how to manage them effectively.
  • Decompression sickness prevention: Hyperbaric chambers are particularly important for preventing decompression sickness, also known as the "bends." By gradually reducing the pressure in a controlled environment, workers can safely transition from high-pressure conditions to normal atmospheric pressure, minimizing the risk of decompression sickness.
  • Emergency preparedness: In the event of an emergency in a tunnel or underground structure, such as a sudden increase in pressure or loss of air supply, workers trained in hyperbaric chambers will be better equipped to handle the situation and respond effectively.
  • Health and medical treatment: Hyperbaric chambers can also be used for medical treatments, such as oxygen therapy, for conditions related to pressure changes or injuries encountered in tunneling operations. These treatments can help facilitate healing and recovery.


  • Pressure range: Hyperbaric chambers are designed to simulate a wide range of pressures, typically measured in atmospheres absolute (ATA). The chambers can be pressurized up to several ATA, replicating the pressure conditions found in deep tunnels or underground structures.
  • Size and capacity: Hyperbaric chambers come in various sizes to accommodate different numbers of personnel. They can range from small chambers designed for individual training to larger chambers capable of accommodating multiple workers simultaneously.
  • Control systems: Hyperbaric chambers are equipped with advanced control systems to regulate pressure and simulate specific pressure profiles. These systems ensure the safe and controlled pressurization and depressurization of the chamber.
  • Safety features: Hyperbaric chambers incorporate safety features, such as emergency air supply, monitoring systems, communication systems, and emergency exit mechanisms, to ensure the well-being of personnel inside the chamber.
  • Training programs: Hyperbaric chamber training includes theoretical knowledge and practical exercises to familiarize workers with the physiological effects of high-pressure environments, emergency procedures, and the use of specialized equipment.


  • Portable hyperbaric chambers: These chambers are designed to be portable and lightweight, making them suitable for on-site training or remote tunneling projects. They can be transported and set up easily at different locations.
  • Fixed hyperbaric chambers: Fixed chambers are permanent installations typically found in specialized training facilities or medical centers. They provide more extensive training capabilities and can accommodate larger groups of personnel.
  • Multi-place hyperbaric chambers: Multi-place chambers are capable of accommodating multiple individuals simultaneously. They are equipped with seating arrangements and communication systems, allowing personnel to undergo training or medical treatments together.
  • Mono-place hyperbaric chambers: Mono-place chambers are designed for individual training or treatment. They can accommodate a single person at a time and provide a controlled high-pressure environment for training or medical procedures.

Hyperbaric chambers and training play a crucial role in ensuring the safety and well-being of workers involved in tunneling and underground projects. By providing realistic simulations of high-pressure environments, workers can be prepared to handle the challenges associated with working in pressurized conditions and respond effectively in emergencies.

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