
Personnel carriers, also known as personnel transporters or mantrips, are vehicles specifically designed for transporting personnel in tunneling and underground construction projects. They are used to safely and efficiently transport workers to and from the work site, allowing for easy access and mobility within the underground environment.


  • Worker transportation: The primary purpose of personnel carriers is to transport workers to and from the tunneling or underground construction site. They provide a safe and convenient means of transportation, ensuring that workers can access the workplace efficiently and without the need for extensive walking or manual labor.
  • Improved efficiency: Personnel carriers help improve productivity and efficiency on construction sites by minimizing the time and effort required for workers to reach their designated work areas. This allows for better utilization of labor resources and reduces downtime.
  • Safety and comfort: Personnel carriers are designed with safety features to protect occupants during transportation, including seat belts, roll cages, and emergency exits. They also offer a comfortable environment with seating, ventilation, and lighting, ensuring a pleasant and secure journey for workers.
  • Emergency evacuation: In the event of an emergency or evacuation situation, personnel carriers can be used to quickly and safely transport workers out of the tunnel or underground space to a designated safe area, helping to ensure their well-being.


  • Capacity: Personnel carriers come in various sizes and capacities to accommodate different numbers of passengers. The capacity can range from a few individuals to larger carriers capable of transporting a significant number of workers.
  • Design and layout: Personnel carriers are typically designed with a sturdy and enclosed structure to provide protection to occupants. They may feature seating arrangements, safety restraints, lighting, ventilation systems, and emergency equipment.
  • Power source: Personnel carriers can be powered by different sources, such as diesel engines, electric motors, or battery-powered systems, depending on the specific requirements of the project and the environmental conditions in the underground space.
  • Dimensions and maneuverability: The dimensions of personnel carriers are designed to meet the space constraints within the tunnel or underground structure. They are often compact and maneuverable to navigate through narrow tunnels and tight spaces.


  • Tracked personnel carriers: These carriers are equipped with tracks instead of wheels, allowing for better traction and maneuverability in challenging terrain. They are suitable for uneven or unstable ground conditions commonly encountered in tunneling projects.
  • Wheeled personnel carriers: These carriers are equipped with wheels and tires, offering greater speed and mobility on flat or well-paved surfaces. They are commonly used in underground construction projects with stable ground conditions.
  • Electric personnel carriers: These carriers are powered by electric motors and are environmentally friendly, producing no exhaust emissions. They are suitable for projects that prioritize sustainability and where ventilation is a concern.

Personnel carriers play a crucial role in ensuring the safe and efficient transportation of workers in tunneling and underground construction projects. They provide a means of quick access, enhance productivity, and contribute to a safer working environment for the workforce. The selection of the appropriate personnel carrier depends on the project requirements, site conditions, and the number of workers to be transported.

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