Gripper Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM): Efficient Excavation and Support in Rock Conditions


The Gripper Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) is a specialized excavation equipment designed for tunneling in rock conditions. Unlike other TBMs that rely on soil conditioning or slurry systems, the Gripper TBM utilizes a gripper system for excavation and rock support. This technology provides efficient and precise rock cutting capabilities while ensuring stability and safety during tunnel construction in hard rock formations.

Operating Principle:

The Gripper TBM employs a gripper system to excavate and support the tunnel face in rock conditions. The grippers, typically hydraulic or mechanical devices, securely grip the tunnel face, allowing the cutting tools mounted on the TBM's rotating cutterhead to effectively break and remove the rock. As the TBM progresses, rock fragments are transported out of the tunnel using conveyor belts or other material handling systems.

Rock Cutting and Support:

The Gripper TBM is equipped with powerful cutting tools, such as disc cutters or roller cutters, specifically designed to handle hard rock formations. These cutting tools exert significant force to break the rock, while the grippers hold the tunnel face in place to ensure stability during excavation. Additionally, as the TBM advances, it provides immediate rock support by installing rock bolts, shotcrete, or other reinforcement measures to prevent rockfall and maintain the stability of the tunnel.

Precision and Efficiency:

The Gripper TBM's rock cutting capabilities allow for precise excavation in hard rock conditions. The combination of powerful cutting tools and the gripper system ensures efficient and controlled rock fragmentation, minimizing over-excavation and improving tunneling productivity. The TBM's ability to install rock support simultaneously with excavation further enhances efficiency by providing immediate stability and reducing the risk of rock-related hazards.

Safety and Ground Control:

The Gripper TBM's rock support system plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety of tunneling operations in rock conditions. The immediate installation of rock bolts, shotcrete, or other reinforcement measures helps control ground movements and reduces the risk of rock instability. This proactive approach to ground control significantly enhances worker safety and minimizes the potential for rockfall or tunnel collapse.


The Gripper TBM is primarily used in tunneling projects where hard rock conditions are prevalent. It is commonly employed in the construction of transportation tunnels, such as railway or highway tunnels, where rock formations are encountered. The Gripper TBM's ability to efficiently excavate and support rock tunnels makes it well-suited for projects that require high precision, productivity, and safety in challenging geological conditions.


The Gripper Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) is a specialized equipment designed for efficient excavation and rock support in hard rock conditions. Its gripper system allows for precise rock cutting and immediate rock support, ensuring stability and safety during tunnel construction. With powerful cutting tools and an integrated ground control system, the Gripper TBM provides efficient and controlled excavation in rock formations. Its application in transportation tunnels and other projects requiring reliable rock tunneling capabilities makes it a valuable asset in the field of tunnel construction.

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