
Raise drills, also known as raise boring machines, are specialized drilling equipment used in tunneling and underground construction to create vertical or inclined shafts, known as raises. They are designed to bore holes from the lower level upward, allowing for the excavation of vertical or near-vertical openings in the ground.


  • Shaft construction: Raise drills are primarily used to construct vertical or inclined shafts in tunneling and underground projects. These shafts serve various purposes, such as ventilation, access, drainage, and the installation of utilities and services.
  • Underground mining: Raise drills play a crucial role in underground mining operations by creating vertical or inclined shafts for ore extraction, waste material disposal, or access to different levels within a mine.
  • Infrastructure development: Raise drills are utilized in the construction of underground infrastructure, such as metro systems, transportation tunnels, hydroelectric projects, and underground storage facilities.
  • Rehabilitation and maintenance: Raise drilling is employed in the rehabilitation and maintenance of existing tunneling and underground structures. It allows for the creation of new access points, shafts, or connections between levels for repair, inspection, or reinforcement purposes.


  • Bore diameter: Raise drills are available in various sizes, offering a range of bore diameters to suit the specific project requirements. The diameter typically depends on factors such as the intended use of the shaft, the required capacity, and the geotechnical conditions.
  • Drill depth: Raise drills are capable of drilling to significant depths, allowing for the creation of vertical or inclined shafts over long distances. The drill depth depends on the machine's design, power, and the type of ground being drilled.
  • Drilling method: Raise drills can utilize different drilling methods, such as conventional drilling with drill bits or more advanced techniques like diamond drilling. The choice of drilling method depends on the ground conditions, desired bore quality, and the project specifications.
  • Power source: Raise drills can be powered by electric motors, hydraulic systems, or a combination of both. The power source affects the machine's performance, drilling speed, and efficiency.
  • Control systems: Raise drills are equipped with advanced control systems to ensure precise drilling operations. These systems incorporate automation, monitoring, and safety features to optimize drilling performance and enhance operator safety.


  • Conventional Raise Drills: These raise drills use rotary drilling techniques with standard drill bits to excavate the shaft. They are versatile and suitable for a wide range of ground conditions and drilling applications.
  • Boxhole Raise Drills: Boxhole raise drills are specifically designed for the construction of smaller-diameter shafts, typically for ventilation purposes or for creating connections between levels in underground mines or tunnels.
  • Blind hole Raise Drills: Blind hole raise drills are used when the drill head does not break through to the surface but remains within the ground. They are often employed for raise boring applications where ground stability or environmental concerns prohibit the use of conventional drilling methods.

The selection of the appropriate raise drill type and specifications depends on factors such as the project requirements, ground conditions, drill depth, and desired drilling efficiency.

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