
Conveyor equipment refers to mechanical systems designed to transport bulk materials, equipment, or personnel in a continuous and controlled manner along a predefined path. In tunneling and underground structures, conveyors play a crucial role in material handling, excavation, and construction operations.


  • Material Transport: Conveyor systems are primarily used for transporting various types of bulk materials, such as excavated soil, rock, aggregate, or construction materials. They facilitate efficient and continuous material flow, reducing the need for manual handling and improving productivity.
  • Excavated Material Removal: Conveyors are commonly used to transport excavated material from the tunneling or underground construction site to the surface. This eliminates the need for manual hauling or the use of heavy machinery for material removal.
  • Equipment and Component Transport: Conveyors can transport heavy equipment, machinery, and components required for tunneling and underground construction. They facilitate the movement of equipment to different work areas within the project site, improving efficiency and reducing downtime.
  • Personnel Transport: Conveyor systems can be designed to transport personnel in a safe and efficient manner within the tunnel or underground structure. They provide a reliable means of transportation for workers, especially in large-scale projects with long travel distances.
  • Flexibility: Conveyor systems offer flexibility in routing and configuration, allowing them to adapt to the specific layout and requirements of the tunneling or underground construction project. They can be designed to negotiate curves, inclines, declines, and vertical lifts as needed.
  • Continuous Operation: Conveyors enable continuous operation, ensuring a steady flow of materials or equipment without interruptions. This helps to maintain construction schedules and improve overall project efficiency.
  • Safety: Conveyor systems enhance safety by reducing manual handling and minimizing the risk of worker injuries associated with material transport. They can be equipped with safety features such as emergency stop buttons, guarding, and interlocking systems.
  • Environmental Impact: Conveyors contribute to reducing the environmental impact of tunneling and underground construction by minimizing dust emissions, noise levels, and exhaust emissions compared to alternative transportation methods such as trucks or heavy machinery.


  • Load Capacity: The load capacity of conveyor equipment determines the maximum weight it can handle. It is specified in terms of tonnage or volume flow rate.
  • Belt Width and Speed: Conveyor belts come in various widths and speeds, depending on the application and material being transported. The width determines the capacity, while the speed affects the material handling rate.
  • Incline/Decline Angle: Conveyors can be designed to operate on inclines or declines, allowing for efficient transportation of materials between different elevations within the tunnel or underground structure.
  • Power Source: Conveyor systems can be powered by electricity, diesel engines, or hydraulic systems, depending on the specific requirements and site conditions.
  • Controls: Conveyors may feature manual controls, remote controls, or automated systems for operation and monitoring.
  • Safety Features: Conveyor equipment can be equipped with safety features such as emergency stop buttons, safety interlocks, and guarding to ensure worker safety during operation and maintenance.


  • Belt Conveyors: Belt conveyors are the most common type of conveyor systems used in tunneling and underground construction. They consist of a continuous belt that moves over pulleys or drums, allowing for the transport of materials.
  • Screw Conveyors: Screw conveyors utilize a rotating screw mechanism to move materials along the conveyor path. They are suitable for handling fine-grained or semi-fluid materials.
  • Chain Conveyors: Chain conveyors use chains with attached plates or buckets to transport materials. They are commonly used in steep inclines or for moving bulk materials in a vertical or horizontal direction.
  • Pneumatic Conveyors: Pneumatic conveyors use air pressure to propel materials through a pipeline. They are suitable for transporting dry bulk materials over long distances.
  • Railcar Conveyors: Railcar conveyors are designed to load or unload materials directly from railcars. They feature a conveyor system mounted on a track to facilitate material transfer.
  • Overland Conveyors: Overland conveyors are used for long-distance material transport. They are typically designed with multiple sections and can span significant distances, allowing for efficient transport between different project areas.

It's important to note that the selection and design of conveyor equipment should be based on project-specific requirements, site conditions, and material characteristics to ensure optimal performance and safety.

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