Vertical Shaft Sinking Machine (VSM): Efficient and Safe Construction of Vertical Shafts


The Vertical Shaft Sinking Machine (VSM) is a specialized equipment used for the construction of vertical shafts in underground mining and civil engineering projects. It is designed to excavate and stabilize vertical shafts efficiently, ensuring safe and controlled operations. The VSM significantly reduces construction time and enhances safety compared to conventional methods, making it a preferred choice for vertical shaft sinking.

Operating Principle:

The VSM operates by utilizing a cylindrical cutting drum equipped with cutting tools to excavate the shaft's circumference. The cutting drum is lowered into the shaft and rotates, removing the soil or rock material. Simultaneously, the VSM installs precast concrete segments or steel rings to form the shaft lining, ensuring stability and support during the excavation process. The VSM's integrated systems allow for continuous sinking and lining installation, optimizing productivity and safety.

Excavation Efficiency and Productivity:

The VSM offers high excavation efficiency and productivity, enabling rapid construction of vertical shafts. Its powerful cutting drum can efficiently break through various geological formations, including soil, rock, and mixed ground conditions. The continuous operation of the VSM, with simultaneous excavation and lining installation, minimizes downtime and maximizes productivity, resulting in significant time savings compared to traditional shaft sinking methods.

Safety and Worker Comfort:

Safety is a paramount concern in vertical shaft construction, and the VSM addresses this by providing a controlled and safer working environment. The VSM's integrated systems, such as automated leveling and guidance systems, ensure precise excavation and minimize the risk of deviations or instability. Additionally, the VSM's enclosed working chamber provides protection for workers from hazardous ground conditions and ensures better air quality and comfort during operations.

Versatility and Adaptability:

The VSM is highly versatile and can be adapted to various shaft diameters and ground conditions. It can accommodate different excavation diameters and depths, allowing for flexibility in project requirements. The VSM's cutting tools and excavation parameters can be adjusted to suit specific geological conditions, ensuring optimal performance and efficient excavation in diverse ground formations.

Monitoring and Control Systems:

VSMs are equipped with advanced monitoring and control systems to ensure precise excavation and monitoring of key parameters. These systems provide real-time data on cutting performance, alignment, ground pressure, and other crucial factors. The data allows operators to monitor the excavation process, make necessary adjustments, and ensure safe and controlled sinking operations.

Advantages and Applications:

The Vertical Shaft Sinking Machine offers several advantages over traditional methods of vertical shaft construction. Its high excavation efficiency and productivity significantly reduce construction time and associated costs. The VSM's enhanced safety features provide a safer working environment for the construction personnel. It is widely used in mining operations, civil engineering projects, and infrastructure development, including the construction of vertical shafts for underground transportation systems, utility tunnels, and access shafts for underground facilities.


The Vertical Shaft Sinking Machine (VSM) is a specialized equipment that revolutionizes the construction of vertical shafts. With its efficient excavation capabilities, integrated lining installation, and advanced monitoring systems, the VSM ensures rapid and safe sinking of vertical shafts. The VSM's versatility and adaptability make it suitable for a wide range of ground conditions and shaft diameters. Its application in mining and civil engineering projects contributes to the efficient and reliable development of underground infrastructure.

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