Breaker: Powerful Equipment for Efficient Tunnel Rock Excavation


Breakers, also known as hydraulic hammers or rock breakers, are powerful equipment used in tunnel construction to break and excavate rock formations. These robust machines deliver high-impact blows, enabling efficient and precise rock fragmentation, which is essential for creating tunnels and underground spaces.

Efficient Rock Fragmentation:

Breakers are designed to efficiently break down rock formations encountered during tunnel excavation. Powered by hydraulic systems, they deliver repeated blows to the rock surface, effectively fracturing it into manageable pieces. The high-impact force generated by breakers allows for efficient excavation, reducing the need for manual labor and increasing productivity.

Adaptability to Rock Types:

Breakers are adaptable to a wide range of rock types commonly found in tunneling projects. They are equipped with different chisel or moil point attachments that can be selected based on the specific rock characteristics. Whether it's hard granite, compacted limestone, or softer sandstone, breakers can be configured to handle different rock hardness and toughness, ensuring optimal performance in diverse geological conditions.

Precision and Control:

Breakers offer precise control over the excavation process. They can be operated by skilled professionals who can accurately position the breaker and control the impact force applied to the rock surface. This precision allows for controlled and selective rock fragmentation, avoiding unnecessary damage to surrounding structures or over-excavation. The ability to adjust impact energy and frequency further enhances the control and adaptability of breakers.

Versatility in Tunneling Operations:

Breakers are versatile tools that can be used for various tunneling operations. Apart from rock excavation, they are also utilized for secondary tasks such as breaking oversized boulders, removing concrete structures, or demolishing existing tunnel linings. The versatility of breakers eliminates the need for additional equipment, streamlining the workflow and optimizing equipment utilization.

Operator Safety and Comfort:

Breakers prioritize operator safety and comfort during tunneling operations. They are equipped with features such as vibration reduction systems, noise insulation, and ergonomic handles, minimizing operator fatigue and potential health risks associated with prolonged equipment operation. Safety mechanisms such as anti-blank firing systems and breakaway tools protect both the operator and the equipment, ensuring safe and reliable operation.

Increased Efficiency and Cost Savings:

The use of breakers in tunneling operations significantly improves efficiency and cost savings. Their high impact force and rapid rock fragmentation speed expedite the excavation process, reducing construction timelines. By eliminating the need for manual drilling and hammering, breakers reduce labor costs and increase productivity, making them a cost-effective choice for tunneling projects.

Technological Advancements:

Breakers have benefited from technological advancements, leading to improved performance and efficiency. Advanced hydraulic systems, automated control features, and telematics integration allow for real-time monitoring of breaker performance, maintenance scheduling, and performance optimization. These advancements enhance the reliability, durability, and overall effectiveness of breakers in tunneling operations.


Breakers are essential equipment in tunnel construction, enabling efficient and precise rock excavation. Their ability to deliver high-impact blows, adaptability to various rock types, and precision control contribute to successful tunneling projects. With their versatility, operator safety features, and technological advancements, breakers play a vital role in improving efficiency, reducing costs, and ensuring the timely completion of tunneling projects.

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