
Power accessories refer to a range of electrical components and equipment used in tunneling and underground structures to facilitate the distribution, control, and utilization of electrical power. These accessories help ensure a reliable and efficient power supply system, enabling the operation of various electrical devices and machinery within tunnels and underground facilities.


  • Power distribution: Power accessories are employed to distribute electrical power from the main power source to different areas and systems within the tunnel or underground structure. They include components such as distribution panels, circuit breakers, transformers, and switchgear, which help regulate and control the flow of electricity.
  • Electrical protection: Power accessories play a critical role in protecting electrical systems and equipment from overloads, short circuits, and other electrical faults. Devices such as fuses, circuit breakers, and surge protectors safeguard against electrical damage and ensure the safety of personnel working in the tunnel or underground environment.
  • Lighting and illumination: Power accessories are used to support the lighting and illumination systems in tunnels and underground structures. This includes components like lighting fixtures, ballasts, control devices, and wiring, which provide adequate visibility and enhance safety for workers and users of the facility.
  • Equipment operation: Power accessories enable the operation of various electrical equipment and machinery used in tunneling and underground construction. This includes motors, pumps, ventilation systems, communication devices, monitoring equipment, and other electrical appliances required for efficient project execution.


  • Voltage rating: Power accessories are designed to handle specific voltage levels, typically ranging from low voltage (LV) to medium voltage (MV) or high voltage (HV), depending on the project requirements.
  • Current rating: The current rating indicates the maximum current-carrying capacity of the power accessory and is specified in amperes (A) or kiloamperes (kA).
  • IP rating: In tunneling and underground applications, power accessories may require specific Ingress Protection (IP) ratings to ensure protection against dust, water, and other environmental factors. IP ratings indicate the level of protection provided by the equipment.
  • Material and construction: Power accessories are constructed using materials that meet safety standards and withstand the operational conditions of the tunneling and underground environment. Common materials include robust plastics, metals, and insulating materials.


  • Distribution panels and switchgear: These components are used for power distribution, control, and protection, allowing the routing of electricity to different circuits and systems within the tunnel or underground structure.
  • Circuit breakers and fuses: These devices are designed to interrupt electrical currents in the event of overloads or faults, protecting the electrical system from damage and ensuring the safety of personnel.
  • Transformers: Transformers are utilized to step up or step-down voltage levels as required for efficient power distribution and utilization.
  • Lighting fixtures and ballasts: These components provide illumination and lighting control, ensuring proper visibility and safety in tunnels and underground spaces.
  • Wiring and cable management: Power accessories include wiring, cables, conduits, and cable management systems that facilitate the proper routing, protection, and organization of electrical wiring.

The selection of power accessories depends on the specific electrical requirements of the tunneling or underground project, including the voltage levels, power demand, environmental conditions, and safety regulations.

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