
Polypropylene fiber reinforced cement mortar and concrete (PFR) is a type of composite material that includes polypropylene fibers as reinforcement in cement-based mixes. These fibers are usually added to the mix in small quantities and help to enhance the durability, toughness, and strength of the cement-based products.


Polypropylene Fiber Reinforced cement mortar and concrete are used in various construction applications to improve the durability and performance of the material. Some of their uses and benefits include:

  • PFR cement mortar and concrete are commonly used in tunneling and underground construction projects to improve the overall performance and durability of the structures.
  • They can help to reduce the risk of cracking, shrinkage, and other forms of damage that can occur in cement-based structures.
  • The addition of polypropylene fibers can also help to improve the impact resistance and flexural strength of the concrete, making it more resistant to damage from heavy loads or seismic activity.
  • PFR concrete can also provide improved resistance to abrasion and chemical attack, making it suitable for use in harsh environments like tunnels, mines, and industrial facilities.


PFR cement mortar and concrete have specific specifications depending on the project requirements and desired performance. Some common specifications include:

  • Fiber type: Polypropylene fibers are commonly used in PFR cementitious materials due to their high tensile strength and resistance to alkaline environments.
  • Fiber content: The fiber content typically ranges from 0.1% to 1.5% by volume, although it can vary depending on the specific application and required performance.
  • Fiber length: The length of the polypropylene fibers can range from a few millimeters to several centimeters, depending on the desired crack control and reinforcement requirements.
  • Mix design: The mix design of the cementitious material should consider the water-cement ratio, aggregate grading, and other factors to ensure proper workability, strength, and durability.


Different types of polypropylene fibers can be used in PFR cement mortar and concrete based on their characteristics and manufacturing process. Some common types include:

  • Monofilament fibers: These are single, continuous polypropylene fibers that provide crack control and improved toughness to the cementitious matrix.
  • Microfibers: Microfibers are fine polypropylene fibers with small diameters, typically less than 0.3 mm, which improve the cohesion and ductility of the mortar or concrete.
  • Macrofibres: Macrofibres are larger-diameter polypropylene fibers that offer enhanced reinforcement and impact resistance to the cementitious material.
  • Hybrid fibers: Hybrid PFR systems combine different types of fibers, such as polypropylene and steel fibers, to achieve specific performance requirements, providing a combination of crack control and structural reinforcement.

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