
Doors and gates in the context of tunneling and underground structures refer to physical barriers installed at various entry and exit points within the tunnel or underground facility. These doors and gates are designed to control access, ensure safety, and provide security by restricting entry to authorized personnel or vehicles.


  • Access Control: Doors and gates serve as access control mechanisms, allowing only authorized personnel or vehicles to enter restricted areas within the tunnel or underground structure. They help prevent unauthorized access, enhance security, and reduce the risk of accidents or incidents.
  • Safety and Security: By limiting access to designated areas, doors and gates contribute to the overall safety and security of the tunnel or underground facility. They help prevent unauthorized entry, minimize the potential for vandalism, theft, or sabotage, and protect critical infrastructure and equipment.
  • Traffic Management: Doors and gates can be used to manage traffic flow within the tunnel or underground structure. They can control the entry and exit of vehicles, ensuring a smooth and organized traffic movement and preventing congestion or conflicts.
  • Emergency Preparedness: In case of emergencies, doors and gates play a crucial role in facilitating evacuation procedures and emergency response. They can be designed with features such as emergency exit doors, fire-rated materials, or automatic opening mechanisms to ensure quick and safe evacuation during critical situations.


  • Material: Doors and gates for tunneling and underground structures are typically made of robust and durable materials such as steel, aluminum, or reinforced concrete. The choice of material depends on factors such as required strength, fire resistance, corrosion resistance, and maintenance requirements.
  • Size and Configuration: Doors and gates are available in various sizes and configurations to suit different entry and exit points within the tunnel or underground structure. They can be single or double leaf, sliding or swinging, and may incorporate additional features such as vision panels or access control systems.
  • Fire and Safety Standards: Doors and gates in tunneling and underground structures often need to comply with specific fire and safety regulations. They may require fire-resistant or fire-rated construction materials, emergency exit capabilities, panic hardware, and integration with fire detection and suppression systems.
  • Automation and Control: Depending on the application, doors and gates can be manually operated or automated using mechanisms such as hydraulic, pneumatic, or electric actuators. They can be controlled by keycard access, remote control, or integrated with the overall tunnel control system for centralized monitoring and control.
  • Types:

    • Sliding Doors: Sliding doors are commonly used in tunneling and underground structures where space is limited. They slide horizontally along a track to open and close, allowing for efficient use of available space.
    • Swinging Doors: Swinging doors operate on hinges and swing inward or outward to provide access. They are often used in areas with sufficient space for door swing and offer ease of use for pedestrian or vehicular access.
    • Roll-Up Doors: Roll-up doors consist of metal slats or curtains that roll up vertically to open and roll down to close. They are commonly used in areas where space is limited or where fast opening and closing speeds are required.
    • Revolving Doors: Revolving doors consist of multiple door panels that rotate around a central axis. They provide a barrier against drafts, help maintain temperature control, and allow for controlled entry and exit of individuals.
    • Security Gates: Security gates are designed to provide a higher level of security and access control. They are often made of strong materials, such as steel, and can have features like anti-climbing measures, vehicle impact resistance, and integrated access control systems.

    The specific selection and installation of doors and gates in tunneling and underground structures depend on factors such as the purpose of the structure, security requirements, traffic flow, fire and safety regulations, and operational needs.

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